Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1294

      M-commerce [1]
      M. Heidegger [1]
      M.C: Building materials. INVIAS: National Institute of Roads. NTC: Colombian Technical Standards. NT: Transit level. Integral: Extraction material that has not been modified by any process. Quarry: Mining, generally open pit. Mortar: It is a construction material obtained by mixing sand and water with cement. Bases: It is a thick granular material, it is between the asphalt or concrete and the sub base layer. It is composed of crushed material, sand and a small part of fine materials. Sub bases: It is a granular material, it is between the base and the subgrade or terrain. Aggregate: Construction material. Sterile: Part of the extraction material which has no use or will be used. About size: Large diameter stones approximately 12 inches. [1]
      M.C: Materiales de construcción. INVIAS: Instituto Nacional de Vías. NTC: Normas Tecnicas Colombianas. NT: Nivel de tránsito. Integral: Material de extracción que no ha sido modificado por ningún proceso. Cantera: Explotación minera, generalmente a cielo abierto. Mortero: Es un material de construcción obtenido al mezclar arena y agua con cemento. Bases: Es un material granular grueso, se encuentra entre el asfalto o concreto y la capa de sub base. Está compuesta por material triturado, arena y una pequeña parte de materiales finos. Sub bases: Es un material granular, se encuentra entre la base y la subrasante o terreno. Agregado: Material de construcción. Estéril: Parte del material de extracción el cual no tiene uso ni será utilizado. Sobre tamaño: Piedras de gran diámetro aproximadamente 12 pulgadas. [1]
      M14 [1]
      Machine [2]
      machine [1]
      Machine Learning [17]
      Machine learning [7]
      machine learning [2]
      Machine learning algorithm [1]
      Machine learning models [1]
      Machine learning techniques [1]
      Machine learning, Artificial Neural Network, Design, Forecasts, Demand, Arena, Databases. [1]
      Machine learning, bluetooth low energy, heart-rate, accelerometer [1]
      Machine Learning, LLM, APIs, Virtual Assistant, EC2, Non-relational Database [1]
      Machine learning, ResNet101, CNN, Automation, Waste classification, Deep learning [1]
      Machine learning, ResNet101, CNN, Automatización, Clasificación de residuos, Deep learning [1]
      Machismo [1]
      Macroeconomía - Colombia [1]