%0 Journal Article %A Méndez Macea, Johan Andrés %A Roa Pereira, Sergio Alejandro %A Espinoza Mejia, Steven Eduardo %A García Yepes, Gabriel Jesús %T Aplicación de modelo transformer para opciones binarias usando análisis técnico en el mercado Forex %U http://hdl.handle.net/10584/11223 %X Machine learning techniques have become great tools for predicting patterns, we have decided to use said techniques and apply them as a tool for predicting the behaviour of the forex market; for this purpose we use the relatively recent Transformer machine learning model to analyse the data obtained from the IQoption API to predict the EUR/USD currency behaviour though binary options. Through the implementation of the Transformer model, we obtained an accuracy rate of around 65% from candle to candle; although this can't be considered a success in terms of machine learning model implementations, considering the complexity of the data analysed and the context in which it's used, the execution of the model is a success on practical levels of binary option investments as long as the market is paying more than 110% of the invested capital, getting profits with a large operations volume of 0.15% net earnings. In conclusion, the Transformer model proved to be an effective mean to demonstrate that machine learning models can be of great use in the context of financial marketing. %K Machine Learning %K Technical Analysis %K Transformer Model %K Binary Options %K Aprendizaje de Máquina %K Análisis técnico %K Forex %K Forex %K Modelo Transformer %K Opciones Binarias %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN