%0 Journal Article %A Castillo Colón, Andy de Jesús %A Castillo Gutierrez, Ariana Leonor %A Sierra Paniagua, Santiago %A Tatis Sierra, Miguel Angel %T Diseño de un sistema de recuperación de calor de los gases de escape de una turbina a gas para la generación de electricidad en una estación de compresión de gas natural %U http://hdl.handle.net/10584/8007 %X Industries nowadays are showing a huge interest to improve the energy efficiency of their processes. Waste heat recovery (WHR) from the flue gases of gas turbines reduces harmful gases emissions and costs associated with energetic resources as it has been shown in many real life applications. Natural gas compressor stations operating with turbochargers have implemented this kind of projects. However, typical part-load operation as well as different operation modes such as bypass, during which turbochargers are turned off, have shown to affect the WHR potential. The conceptual and basic design of the WHR system looking forward to generate electricity for the national grid and the detailed design of one of the structures supporting the flue gas duct from the turbocharger focusing on technical and economic aspects such as thermal efficiency and the payback period were carried out. As design methodology, three alternatives were evaluated: an ORC module with a heat exchanger and a thermal oil boiler, a steam Rankine cycle with a heat exchanger and an ORC module with a heat exchanger and a WHR boiler. The state of the art and of the technique were reviewed and therefore the first alternative was selected. A net power generation of 575 kWe, using 223 kWe for self-consumption and 352 kWe to sell to the grid were calculated. Without considering tax incentives and considering only an income tax reduction, a payback period of 19,4 and 13,2 years respectively for the best scenario of the dollar price were calculated, reason of which the project is not economically feasible. An elevated cost of the ORC module, as well as insufficient tax incentives and the high dollar price were determined as the causes for this result. %K recuperación de calor %K gases de escape %K estación compresora %K carga parcial %K ciclo Rankine orgánico %K intercambiador de calor %K caldera %K exportar excedentes %K waste heat recovery %K flue gases %K compressor station %K part-load %K Organic Rankine Cycle %K heat exchanger %K boiler %K sell to the grid %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN