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Investigación & Desarrollo
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Investigación & Desarrollo: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 450
Political Practices and Citizen Education with Gender Perspective. Analysis in Some Universities in Bucaramanga, Colombia
Barba Rincón, Ángel Nemecio; Gutiérrez Quintero, Beatriz; Moreno Echavarría, Graciliana; Oróstegui Durán, Sandra Liliana
Cultural Conceptions of Teachers on the Educational Model of a Public University of Ecuador
García Pazmiño, Mercedes Angélica; Contreras Estrada, Mónica; Mercado Ramírez, Miguel Alfonso; Sarabia Ávalos, Miguel Ángel; León Cortés, Silvia Graciela
The facilitation of communication processes in the organization. A contribution from Human Development to the achievement of job satisfaction
Soto Trujillo, Celina Arcelia
Singer-Songwriters of Vallenato Music. Exploring the Feminine Body from the Feminine in a Masculine Universe
Durán Acosta, Airlen María; Cudris Torres, Lorena
Masculinities and Paternity: an Intersectional Look to the Experience of Being a Young Middle Class Fathers in Barranquilla (Colombia)
Arroyo Andrade, Gisela
Complexity, Basis of the Epistemological and Ontological Approach for the Development of General Job Competences
Ortiz Navarrete, Wilber; Barrios Jara, Nelson Enrique
Emotions Around Social Care Mediated by Social Policies. Between Moral Duty and Postponement
Cena, Rebeca Beatriz; Dettano, Andrea
Contributions of Complexity Approaches to Innovative Forestry Development
Arce Rojas, Rodrigo Severo
Edutainment and social mobilization in the prevention of Gender-Based Violence in adolescents: findings on the role of dialogue, debate and reflection in a pilot of "Revelados" in a Colombian Caribbean municipality
Pérez Llerena, Yusly Paola; Vega Casanova, Jair
Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation
Monteiro de Barros da Gama, Bárbara
Contributions of Alfredo Correa de Andreis to the understanding of Forced Displacement in the Colombian Armed Conflict
Moya Rueda, Milly; Vega Casanova, Jair
Women Victims of the Armed Conflict. Analysis of their Reparation within the Framework of Law 1448 of 2011
Zapata Serna, Gloria Estella; Iáñez-Domínguez., Antonio; Álvarez Múnera, José Roberto; Pareja Amador, Antonio J.
Positive and negative effects of the role of the elderly in the consolidation of the family social network
Roldan Ramirez, Elvia Lucía; Eslava Jacome, Nancy Lucia; Ochoa Narvaez, Erica Magaly; Posada Lopez, Luis Jairo; Guzman Cabrera, Sorolizana
Dinámica del funcionamiento y retos del mercado campesino Coopmercasan de Florencia (Caquetá)
Sánchez Castillo, Verenice; Gómez Cano, Carlos Alberto; Millán Rojas, Edwin Eduardo
Revista Investigación & Desarrollo, Asistente Editorial
Revista Investigación & Desarrollo, Asistente Editorial
Revista Investigación & Desarrollo, Asistente Editorial
Aggression in social networks and adolescence. State of the art from a bibliometric perspective
Lacunza, Ana Betina; Contini, Evangelina Norma; Caballero, Silvina Valeria; Mejail, Sergio Marcelo
Reliability and Validity of an Instrument that Measures Entrepreneurship of Merchants in Central Mexico
Quiroz Campas, Celia Yaneth; García Lirios, Cruz; Molina González, María del Rosario; Carreón Valencia, Oscar Igor
Revista Investigación & Desarrollo, Asistente Editorial
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