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dc.contributor.advisorBenítez Velásquez, Teresa
dc.contributor.authorYepes Robles, Jorge Eliécer
dc.descriptionThis study aimed to do research on the influence of Genre Based Pedagogy on students’ reading comprehension of explanation texts in a CBI Science class. The current enquiry exercise followed a qualitative research paradigm and was carried out with a 2nd grade class (37 students) at La Salle School in Monteria. Observations, document analysis and interview were the data collection procedures implemented in this study. Data was analyzed under the implementation of the Genre Based Pedagogy explained by Dreyfus, S. J., Humphrey, S., Mahboob, A., & Martin, J. R. (2016). After analyzing the results it was found the Genre Based Pedagogy influenced positively students’ reading comprehension of explanation texts in the science class. In addition, it can be said implementing a sample curriculum designed under the GBP contributed to enhance not only teacher’s strategies in terms of teaching reading but also students’ reading comprehension of texts process. Thus, this study becomes significant in the way it provided the researcher, the science teacher and the school itself with a deep analysis of the strategies to implement the Genre Based Pedagogy in order to foster reading comprehension of explanation texts in young learners and might be taken as a pedagogical insight to improve what is has been done in the science class. Key words: Reading Comprehension, Genre Based Pedagogy, explanation texts, teacher’s strategies.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad del Nortees_ES
dc.subjectComprensión de lecturaes_ES
dc.subjectInglés -- Enseñanzaes_ES
dc.subjectProfesores de inglés -- Formación profesionales_ES
dc.titleThe influence of Genre Based Pedagogy on students’ Reading Comprehension of explanation texts in a CBI Science Classes_ES
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Enseñanza del Ingléses_ES
dc.publisher.departmentInstituto de Idiomases_ES
dc.creator.degreeMagíster en Enseñanza del Ingléses_ES

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