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El concepto de familia en la política nacional de asistencia social brasileña: con foco en la criminalización de la pobreza / A concepção de família na política nacional de assistência social brasileira: no foco da criminalização da pobreza

dc.contributor.authorJoana D'Arc Nicolau de Melo; Professora Substituta da Universidade Federal Fluminense de Rio das Ostras/RJ e Assistente social da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
dc.descriptionOur goal is to make the critique of the family concept presented in the guidelines of the National Policy for Social Assistance-PNAS, approved in 2004, and still until today. Considered as an advance in the complex relationship of concession-conquest, PNAS, through the implementation of the Social Assistance Unique System (SUAS), tries to organize social assistance such as social security right, outstanding the matricialidade family member on the centrality of this policy. Focusing on the family brings aims proposing full protection from the state, which cares for social individuals, taking into account the social and familiar sphere, to put an end to the culture of the fragmentation in the service of social demands through public policies. In order to accomplish that goal, public policy of social assistance should strive for a social protection that ensures survival security "(of income and autonomy); of protectio; and conviviality or family experience "(PNAS 2004). However, a denial to the materialization of constitutional rights, through the deployment of SUAS guidelines, PNAS rescues the conservative principles and values for the understanding of the family. In this manner, it becomes an instrument of accountability for poor families, seeking, through the fault of social individuals, the "solutions" of the refractions of the "social question", that are resized as individual and family problems.
dc.descriptionResumen Nuestro objetivo es realizar la crítica al concepto de familia que está presente en las directrices de la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social (PNAS), aprobada en el año 2004, y todavía vigente. Considerada como avance en la compleja relación de concesión-conquista, la PNAS, a través de la implantación del Sistema Único de Asistencia Social (SUAS), propone dar organicidad a la Asistencia Social como derecho de la Seguridad Social, destacando la matriz socio familiar en la centralidad de esta política. La centralidad en la familia trae como propuesta la protección integral por parte del Estado, que atienda a los individuos sociales, considerando el espacio socio familiar, para romper con la cultura de la fragmentación en la atención a las demandas sociales vía políticas públicas. Para lo cual, la política pública de asistencia social debe preocuparse por una protección social que garantice la “seguridad de sobrevivencia (de renta y de autonomía); de amparo; y convivio o vivencia familiar” (PNAS 2004). Sin embargo, en un movimiento de negación en la materialización de los derechos Constitucionales, a través de las orientaciones para la implantación del SUAS, la PNAS rescata los principios y valores conservadores en la comprensión de la familia. Así se vuelve instrumento que responsabiliza a los miembros de las familias pobres, para que busquen a través de culpabilizarlos, las “soluciones” a las secuelas de la “cuestión social”, que son redimensionadas como problemas individuales y da familia. AbstractOur goal is to make the critique of the family design presented in the guidelines of the National Policy for Social Assistance-PNAS, approved in 2004, and still valid. How to advance in the complex relationship of concession-conquest, PNAS, through the implementation of the Social Assistance Unique System (SUAS), proposes giving organize social assistance such as social security right, outstanding the matricialidade family member on the centrality of this policy. The centrality in the family brings as a proposal to full protection on the part of the State, which meets the social individuals, whereas the social space and breaking with the culture of the fragmentation in the service of social demands through public policies. To do so, the public policy of social assistance should appreciate by a social protection that ensures survival security "(of income and autonomy); of welcome; and conviviality or family experience "(PNAS 2004). However, a denial to the materialization of constitutional rights, through the deployment of SUAS guidelines, PNAS rescues the conservative principles and values for the understanding of the family. And becomes an instrument of accountability of poor families by its members, seeking, through the fault of social individuals, the "solutions" of the refractions of the "social question", that are resized as individual and family problems.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Norte
dc.relation.ispartofMemorias; No 17 (2012)
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dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Norte
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Digital de la Universidad del Norte
dc.subjectpolíticas sociais
dc.subjectconcepção de família na política de assistência
dc.subjectpolíticas públicas sociais
dc.titleThe concept of family in national politics of Brazilian social assistance: in the focus of the criminalization of poverty
dc.titleEl concepto de familia en la política nacional de asistencia social brasileña: con foco en la criminalización de la pobreza / A concepção de família na política nacional de assistência social brasileira: no foco da criminalização da pobreza

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