Reading comprehension skills development through the implementation of CALL
Jiménez Rojano, Emelina Rosa
Madrid Torres, Mariam Mildreth
Reading comprehension development is one the most important issues Colombian teachers must devote their efforts as it guarantees not just students´ language acquisition but also, their learning process in general. Reading comprehension then, implies a number of strategies that are required to be developed inside the classrooms and used outside them. For this particular study, we sought to improve students´ reading comprehension through the use of different reading strategies and through CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Approach. This pedagogical innovation was implemented for fifth grade students at Santa Fe School in Valledupar. Data for this study were collected from questionnaire, an interview and some class observations. With the gathered information, we planned and designed the implementation of a syllabus based on reading, reading strategies, online activities used in some reading platforms provided by the school.
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